Worst Pre-Workout Ever? (Don't Use This)

Worst Pre-Workout Ever? (Don't Use This)

This might be one of the worst pre-workout supplement combinations in history. Sometimes I wonder if I come off like a dick with some of these reaction clips, but inaccurate bodybuilding supplement advice like this honestly just pains me to see and I genuinely make them to help out. A guy with millions of social media followers posting a simple clip like this can result in god knows how many people running out and spending their hard earned money on a laundry list of useless fitness supplements they don’t even remotely need.

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  1. I don’t even use prework out I just go in there on half a Celsius 😂. Prework makes my skin burn and itch and it drives me insane

  2. The way he constantly criticizes everything he does reminds me of that key and peele skit parodying Gordon Ramsay lol.


    1️⃣ Get your FREE training and nutrition plan from me by pressing the yellow profile icon above then clicking the link in bio.

    2️⃣ Check out my no B.S supplement line over at RealScienceAthletics.com (link also in bio) and use code YT10 to save 10% on your first order.

    ✅ Follow on IG for more daily tips: @sean_nalewanyj

    P.S. If you signed up for a free plan and didn’t receive it, check your junk/bulk folder. If it’s not there then contact info[at]seannal[dot]com to have it re-sent.

  4. This is what you get when you have gym “influencers” who take steroids sell to there younger beginner audience

  5. If you want to increase your salt, eat, salted peanuts for a snack. Peanuts are extremely healthy. In the salt is good if you’re actually working hard enough to sweat. If your first instinct is not to solve a deficiency with a diet but instead go to supplements, you’re not using your head.

  6. Best preworkouts 2024 lets goooo:
    – Caffeine
    – a banana
    – road rage videos
    – getting yelled at by your dad
    – people online being mean to you
    – finding out Jerry from 12th grade slept with your gf Lisa (i hate you Jerry)
    – reading up on the dark secret lives of famous people (i hate you diddy)
    – looking at house prices and apartment rental prices in your local area
    – BCAAs if busy and didn’t have much time to eat but still have money to burn

    In the end: Caffeine and Cola (if you hate yourself but hate your enemies more… i really hate you diddy)

  7. Just get a better quality of pre-workout? This asshole wipes out 6 different types supplements and pre-workouts. chill dude.

  8. I take a scoop of total war and a scoop of gorilla mode nitric. Also take beet root powder once a day. I’m fully aware that pre workout has a MINIMAL effect on growth and strength. But the caffeine and placebo effect are mandatory for me. If I workout without it I’m not mentally in it. The gorilla mode on the other hand does make a huge pump difference for me. I’m still around 27% by fat but my arms are popping veins more and more. Even more than when I was on gear years ago. I also have completely changed the way I train thanks to Dr Mike and Jeff Nippard.

  9. People drinking caffine should go search Caffine under microscope. And see exactly why it’s unhealthy. It’s literally microscopic glass sharts

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